Shaka Brah introduces the "Submissive Enlightening Cage." This cage is a high quality mesh build that is a must for any D/s home or BDSM dungeon!
She has no control. She has no menu options. She is helpless. She is Yours.
Submissives crave your guidance and approval. Shaka Brah's Submissive Enlightenment Cage would be a most handy tool in helping you mold a most obedient sub. The cage has a menu equipped with only the Masters needs and desires in mind. You have the option of capturing your slave and locking her in for as long as you deem is necessary. We think all good subs should spend a few hours in her cage daily - just to give her time to reflect and appreciate all she is given by her Dom.
This RLV/Capture Enlightenment Cage could be key in training your little one to be the pet you've always wanted. Simply force her into her cuffs and capture her in her cage. She'll immediately be seated on a large bottle of wine that is sure to fill her tight spot while Master watches. The "Observe" menu gives Master the option of seeing his girl use that wine bottle in a variety of different ways.
But as any Master knows, pleasure can't be allowed the entire time. How will she ever learn? The menu is split up so Master can easily navigate to the appropriate action needed.
After observing her, Master may decide it's time to teach his pet a little humiliation. Then cage's humiliation menu has a variety from dick slaps across her face to double fisting both her holes. If that's not enough, Master has several waterworks options to drench her in his golden drippings.
That pouty girl will probably be sullen, and Master will have to take a firm hand with the "Punish" menu. There are several options to beat her back into submission. And as always, whip IS included.
A subbie must have proper training of her mouth and her ass to ensure the maximum obedience. The cage offers both the "Train Mouth" and "Train Her Ass" menus to assist. There are so many full bento animations in the latter menu, you'll surely fuck her until you can take no more!
Once your little slut has been trained enough for the day, Master may decide to reward her. The cage has two rewards menus. The "Little Rewards" includes pussy licking and fingering options. But for the submissive that has earned it, the cage has a "BIG Rewards" menu allowing her to have Masters cock planted in her aching pussy.
✔️ Observe (single poses in which she does what Master tells her with the large wine bottle)
✔️ Punishment (with both spanking, punching and whipping anims)
✔️ Humiliate (knock her down a notch or two with some waterworks and fisting)
✔️ Train Mouth (she MUST learn how to use that hole in her face!)
✔️ Train Ass - HOLY SHIT at the poses! So many, many butt-fuckin poses to choose from! All these poses force her to wear her chains.
✔️ Little Rewards - All the little treats for her are hidden here - give her a quick pussy-lickin' or a couple of fingers for good measure
✔️ Big Rewards - This is just what she's been craving and waiting for - Master's Cock! You will make her squeal!
Our menu is easy to navigate, and all poses are named. No more dealing with the default named poses!
The menu has tons of full bento animations sure to make everyone work up a sweat. All props are included as well!
We do NOT include the It's Not Mine clean up in this piece as part of her training, punishment and guidance should obviously be staying covered in cum, right? Right.
Also included:
✔️ AVsitter 2.2
✔️ Security (Owner, Group, All)
✔️ Adjustable Poses (pose position & helper)
❗️ 5% Discount available to Shaka Brah Ltd Group Members at our In-world Store!!
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